Hi Parents- I thought you'd appreciate seeing this "Top Ten" list I came across courtesy of the Mind/Body Medical Institute. Remember: events don't have to be negative to be stressful. The key component to stress is change. Here's the list:
1. Parent(s) having problems.
2. Fight with a friend or sibling.
3. Taking a test.
4. Wondering if someone thinks you're attractive (teens especially).
5. Not having enough privacy.
6. Birth of a brother or sister.
7. Moving to a new school.
8. Re-marriage of a parent.
9. Not having enough money.
10. A teacher who doesn't like you.
Kids & teens today are faced with unique challenges, unheard of in past generations . If you have a concern about your son/daughter you'd like to discuss with a professional, I want to hear from you. You may send me an email with your question or you may call for a cost-free, ten minute phone consultation. I respond to all emails & calls within 48 hours :)
A Mindful Approach...A better feeling is just a thought away!
Betsie Saltzberg, MEd PsyD
Psychologist & Mindfulness Practitioner