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How to Practice Mindful Breathing with Your Child
Step 1: Sit next to your child in a comfortable but alert posture, then: Your child rests their hand on your belly. As you take 5 deep...

How "Mindfulness" Helps Kids & Teens
Children & teens have a lot to navigate in life. They’re learning how to make good choices & manage their emotions. Too often they’re...
5 Easy, Effective Behavior Tweaks
When children misbehave, you want to know how to stop the misbehavior quickly. Perhaps they are ignoring instructions, crying, begging to...

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Teens
If your teen is having the urge to improve him/herself in 2018, give them this list & let them choose one to focus on: 1. Learn...

6 Ways To Be There For Your Children
As a parent, you’re busy with so many tasks from the moment you get up in the morning until you lay your head down on the pillow at...

6 Ways to Help Children Deal With Holiday Stress & Anxiety
Holidays can be a difficult time of year for many children, teens and families. Stress that's easily managed at other times of the year...

Happy Halloween, Children
I enjoy seeing children Trick or Treating in groups & with parents, on Halloween. While hopefully this is all about not really being...

Halloween Mindfulness
October has been my favorite month of the year since early childhood. Trick-or-Treating on Halloween is one of my fondest childhood...

10 Sources of Stress for Kids/Teens
Hi Parents- I thought you'd appreciate seeing this "Top Ten" list I came across courtesy of the Mind/Body Medical Institute. Remember:...

If Pain Were Water, the World Would Drown
I borrow this quote from renowned scholar, author & talk show host Dennis Prager as I ponder the horrific shootings in Las Vegas...
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