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 Problems with Insurance

Insurance guidelines are good for Insurance Companies, but not the best for your child

Other Practitioners

  • Your first contact is with a receptionist/She collects personal data & is the gatekeeper between you and your child's practitioner



  • Your average wait time for an appointment is 6-12 weeks



  • The practitioner must diagnose your child with a mental health disorder for your insurance company to approve treatment



  • Your insurance company decides when your child has improved enough to stop treatment by reviewing the practitioner's private notes



  • The practitioner cannot offer online services to your child unless your insurance company covers them- many who can provide them do so using Skype or Facetime, neither of which provides security or privacy

A Mindful Approach

  • Your first contact is with me/Simply call, email or text/You'll hear from me within 48 hours



  • Your average wait time for an appointment is 2 weeks



  • Identifying distressing symptoms and teaching self-management skills are my focus, not diagnosing mental health disorders



  • You are the best determiner of when your child has met wellness goals based on their behavior and our conversations




  •  Conveniently connect with me on any device from home, school, on vacation. Services are provided on a secure, HIPAA compliant platform

About Treatment

     I've chosen to treat children, teens and young adults as a Mindfulness Practitioner, bringing over thirty years of experience in the public & private sectors to the table. Your son/daughter is approached with discerning eyes and ears, along with finely-tuned intuition and wisdom. The great Pioneers of the Mind were and continue to be my teachers. Now, why don't I accept your insurance?


     First, your child deserves to be treated with leading edge techniques- methods that while proven to be powerful and effective, are defined by some insurance companies as "alternative" and thus not reimbursable.


     Second, your child should not require a mental health diagnosis to be treated for distressing symptoms and taught to manage them independently. Did you know that mental health diagnoses become part of your child's permanent medical record? Ask me why this is so important!


     Third, having the freedom to treat children online, anywhere is how I choose to work. My passion is treating and teaching any young person who can benefit from my knowledge, techniques and wisdom, regardless of their location. My video platform is 100% secure & HIPAA compliant.


     Now for the best part:  Your child will be taught to perform techniques at home, in school or anywhere else distressing symptoms arise...without the need to be "in therapy" forever. This builds confidence in the ability to solve problems of all kinds on their own. AMAZING, YES?

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